The Graduate at Graduation

Between 1980 and 1983, the SI faculty met from time to time to hammer out a document that, over the years, has become known as the “Grad-at-Grad.” The JSEA asked each of the Jesuit high schools in the nation to create a “Profile of the Graduate at Graduation,” and Fr. McCurdy made this a part of SI’s Curriculum Improvement Process.

Teachers met to discuss what qualities a student would have upon graduation from SI. Each student, according to the document would be open to growth, intellectually competent, religious, loving and committed to doing justice and to the pursuit of leadership. For each of these topics, the faculty wrote 10 or so descriptors. That document became the cornerstone of education at SI for many years, shaping curricular and extracurricular decisions.

“This process asked the faculty to examine the bigger picture of Jesuit education,” said Fr. Prietto. “It resembled the accreditation process, but we looked at SI through the lens of Jesuit secondary education to see how we fared as a Jesuit school. It is an important document, and I’m quite proud of it.”