SI marked its 75-year anniversary with a series of celebrations starting May 19, 1930, that included a diamond jubilee rally at SI Stadium on October 13; a celebration at the Civic Auditorium on October 17 with Archbishop Hanna, Mayor Rolph and USF President Edward Whelan, SJ; and a parade and Mass on October 19. St. Ignatius College used this occasion to change its name formally to the University of San Francisco.
Later, on May 22, the Society of California Pioneers dedicated a plaque commemorating the first St. Ignatius Academy of 1855. The plaque was affixed to The Emporium department store, built on the site of that one-room schoolhouse. SI President Fr. Anthony P. Sauer, SJ, rededicated that plaque and installed a new one at The Emporium in 1979, the first year he took office, commemorating the school’s 125th anniversary. The plaque bears these words: “The original St. Ignatius College has developed into both the University of San Francisco and St. Ignatius College Preparatory. Placed in honor of their 125th year by both senior classes of 1980. October 15, 1979.”