Author: webmaster

  • The New Millennium: 2000-2005

    The New Millennium: 2000-2005

    In the first five years of the new millennium, SI experienced successes that promise a bright future for the school. Those years saw a continued progression of the changes initiated in the 1990s, with the school excelling on all fronts. In 2004, students earned their highest SAT scores and passed more AP tests than ever…

  • Extracurriculars 

    Drama In 2000, Marc Bauman joined the Fine Arts faculty, teaching acting full time and directing the fall play, the spring musical and advising student directors during the Winter One-Act Festival. Bauman performed with Marcel Marceau on his 1999 North American tour and is one of four Americans to have ever received a diploma from…

  • Athletics (1999–2005)

    The Rise of Girls’ Sports Girls at SI began competing in sports as early as fall 1989 in volleyball, cross country and tennis. The winter season saw the rise of girls’ basketball and soccer, and in the spring of 1990, competition began in softball and track. In later years, girls participated in swimming, lacrosse, crew,…

  • Independent Science Learning

    During the summer of 1998, physics and computer science teacher Mike Ugawa developed the curriculum for a Science Research program, expanding on the work begun by Tom Murphy ’76, the former science department chairman. Ugawa received the Spohn Excellence in Teaching Award and used the award funds to purchase state-of-the art apparatus used to perform…

  • Women on the Front Lines

    Everyone knows that the people who make any company work smoothly are the secretaries. While that is also true at SI, the secretaries, especially in the days before coeducation, provided other essential services. For many of the boys, they were surrogate mothers, bandaging skinned knees, offering support and making the school a friendlier place. Eda…

  • Celebrating a Legacy of Scholarship & Creativity

    In the 1980s and 1990s, Br. Dan Peterson, SJ, the former archivist and librarian at SI, compiled a collection of 92 SI authors who, as of 2000, had published 435 books. (The complete list is available on the SI web site.) Below are some of the more prominent scholars, novelists, non-fiction authors and poets on…

  • Professional Development

    Steve Phelps, who came to SI in 1972, accepted the first sabbatical the school ever offered in 1994. He taught halftime and spent the remaining time visiting high schools around the country looking for examples of programs and practices that would support the SI faculty in meeting the needs of a new generation of students.…

  • Kate Kodros

    In the spring of 1995, SI promoted Kate Kodros from senior counselor to assistant principal for academics, making her the first woman assistant principal in the California Province high schools. A native of Los Angeles, Kodros attended Immaculate Heart High School and Santa Clara University where she earned her Bachelor’s degree in history. She taught…

  • The First Lay Principal: Charlie Dullea

    Steven Nejasmich ’65 (then a Jesuit priest) arrived in the fall of 1994 to replace Fr. Prietto as principal. In his three years on the job, he instituted several innovative programs and traditions, including the Fine Arts Assembly, which gave the entire school the opportunity to see student singers, dancers and musicians perform in the…

  • Owen, Julio & Adam

    The first coed Class of 1993 attended three funerals for members of the class, the first following the November 28, 1990, death of sophomore Owen Fitzgerald, who suffered a cardiac arrhythmia after collapsing in front of the school. A gifted athlete on the track and basketball teams, Owen was a personable young man, and his…