

1 Fr. Fran Daly, SJ, from his column “Ignatian Insight” published in St. Xavier High School Magazine, Cincinnati, Summer 2002.

2 Daly.

Chapter I

1 Joseph W. Riordan, SJ, The First Half Century of St. Ignatius Church and College. San Francisco: H.S. Crocker Co., 1905. 11-12.

2 Riordan, 19.

3 Riordan, 20.

4 Gerald McKevitt, SJ. The University of Santa Clara: A History 1851-1977.Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1979. 17.

5 McKevitt, Santa Clara, 18.

6 John McGloin, SJ. The Eloquent Indian: the Life of James Bouchard. California Jesuit. Stanford: Stanford University, 1949. 22.

7 Riordan, 26.

8 Riordan, 30.

9 Riordan, 31-31.

10 John McGloin, SJ. Jesuits by the Golden Gate: The Society of Jesus in San Francisco 1849-1969. San Francisco: University of San Francisco, 1972. 39.

11 Ironically, after Accolti received commitment from the Society of Jesus to commit men to California, he spent the remainder of his life doing parish work. Never again was he a superior in a Jesuit house.

12 Riordan, 61.

13 Woodstock Letters, Volume 26, 1897.

14 Cornelius Michael Buckley, SJ. “Joseph Bixio, Furtive Founder of the University of San Francisco,” California History, Spring 1999.

15 Riordan, 71.

16 McGloin, Jesuits, 10.

17 Riordan, 74.

18 Riordan, 74.

19 McGloin, Jesuits, 11 & Riordan, 75-76.

20 Buckley.

21 McKevitt, Santa Clara, 74.

22 McGloin, Jesuits, 12.

23 McGloin, Jesuits, 13.

24 McKevitt, Santa Clara, 3.

25 John Atteberry & John Russell, editors. Ratio Studiorum, Jesuit Education, 1540-1773, Boston: Boston College, 1999. 10.

26 Alexander J. Cody, SJ. A Memoir: Richard A. Gleeson, SJ: 1861–1945. San Francisco: University of San Francisco Press, 1950. 29.

27 Gerald McKevitt, SJ. “Across the Rockies: Italian Jesuits in the American West,”Company Magazine, October 2001.

28 McGloin, Jesuits. 30.

29 McGloin, Jesuits. 18.

30 McKevitt, “Across the Rockies.”

31 McKevitt, “Across the Rockies.”

32 McKevitt, Santa Clara. 52.

33 McKevitt, “Across the Rockies.”

34 McKevitt, Santa Clara. 53, 71-73.

35 McKevitt, “Across the Rockies.”

36 Riordan, 83.

37 Riordan, 90.

38 McGloin, Jesuits. 14.

39 McGloin, Jesuits. 14-15.

40 Riordan, 99.

41 Riordan, 94-95.

42 McGloin, Jesuits. 16.

43 McGloin, Jesuits. 20.

44 McGloin, Jesuits. 23-24.

45 Riordan, 117.

46 McKevitt, “Across the Rockies.”

47 Riordan, 106-107.

48 Riordan, 115-116.

49 Riordan, 102.

50 Riordan, 286.

51 McGloin, Eloquent Indian. 112-113.

52 John McGloin, SJ. California’s First Archbishop: The Life of Joseph SadocAlemany, O.P., 1814-1888. New York: Herder and Herder, 1966. 198-199.

53 McGloin, Alemany. 199.

54 McGloin, Alemany. 206.

55 McGloin, Alemany. 210.

56 McGloin, Eloquent Indian. 114.

57 McGloin, Eloquent Indian. 121-122. Fr. Bouchard may have cut his beard after all. Fr. McKevitt recalls seeing a photograph of Fr. Bouchard on ebay in which the aged priest was clean-shaven. Sadly, Fr. McKevitt’s bid was not high enough to secure the photograph.

Chapter II

1 Riordan, 105-106.

2 McGloin, Jesuits. 19.

3 Riordan, 116. & Fr. Fabian Stan Parmisano, OP. Mission West: The Western Dominican Province 1850-1966. Oakland: Western Dominican Province, 1995. 120.

4 Riordan, 118.

5 Riordan, 121-122.

6 Riordan, 122.

7 Riordan, 132.

8 McGloin, Jesuits. 22.

9 Riordan, 93.

10 Riordan, 133.

11 McGloin, Jesuits. 28.

12 Riordan, 139.

13 Riordan 403-404.

14 McGloin, Jesuits. 129-130.

15 Initially, SI College was not unique in granting a Master’s degree with no studies done on campus. The school worked in the European model in which a scholar would go and do reading for a year or two anywhere (but usually some prominent institution with a library). They would present themselves to the school from which they had earned their Bachelor’s of Arts degree and then would be awarded a Master’s degree. The same was done at the other Jesuit schools. Since SIC did not really have sufficient facilities for a student to earn a medical degree, SI graduates matriculated elsewhere, did their studies, and took a Master’s degree in medicine from SIC almost as an honorary degree. Had it not been for the earthquake, the college probably would have opened some kind of medical or dental school in the early 20th century like the Jesuit institution in St. Louis. SIC always followed the SLU model of Jesuit University programs. — Fr. Michael Kotlanger, SJ

16 Riordan, 155.

17 Riordan, 161.

18 Riordan, 162.

19 Riordan, 170.

20 Riordan, 197.

21 McGloin, Jesuits. 31.

22 The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. II, online edition.

23 Woodstock Letters, Volume 49, Number 2, June 1920. 242-246.

24 Woodstock Letters.

25 Arthur Spearman, SJ. John Joseph Montgomery: Father of Basic Flying, 1858–1911. Santa Clara: University of Santa Clara, 1967. 18.

26 Riordan, 194 & Spearman, 18.

27 Riordan, 188.

28 Woodstock Letters.

29 McGloin, Jesuits, 30.

30 Riordan, 198-199.

31 McGloin, Jesuits, 33.

32 Parmisano.

33 The original letter is in the collect in the Archive Room of the California Province of the Society of Jesus in Los Gatos.

34 Cody, 11.

35 Richard A. Gleeson, SJ. My Golden Jubilee Thoughts. Private Printing, 1927. 17.

36 Cody, 13-15.

37 Riordan, 216.

38 Riordan, 219-220.

39 Riordan, 222.

40 Riordan, 221.

41 Riordan, 222.

42 McGloin, Jesuits, 39.

43 Riordan, 317.

44 McGloin, Jesuits, 41.

Chapter III

1 Theodore W. Fuller. San Diego Originals. California Profiles Publication, 1987.

2 Spearman, 7.

3 McKevitt, Santa Clara, 138.

4 Spearman, 124.

5 McKevitt, Santa Clara, 140.

6 Riordan, 240.

7 Riordan, 246.

8 McGloin, Jesuits, 56, 60.

9 Riordan, 247.

10 McGloin, Jesuits, 55.

11 Riordan, 248.

12 Riordan, 253.

13 Woodstock Letters, Volume 13, 1884. 425.

14 Riordan, 288.

15 McGloin, Jesuits, 63.

16 McGloin, Jesuits, 50.

17 Riordan, 320.

18 Riordan, 322.

19 Riordan, 323.

20 Riordan, 339.

21 Riordan, 346.

22 Riordan, 363.

23 McGloin, Jesuits, 52.

24 McGloin, Jesuits, 69-70.

Chapter IV

1 McGloin, Jesuits, 74.

2 McGloin, Jesuits, 74.

3 McGloin, Jesuits, 65.

4 McGloin, Jesuits, 79.

5 Alan Zaijka. 150 Vignettes. San Francisco: University of San Francisco, 2005.

Chapter V

1 Cody, 81.

2 McGloin, Jesuits, 83.

3 McGloin, Jesuits, 84.

4 McGloin, Jesuits, 85.

5 McGloin, Jesuits, 86.

6 McGloin, Jesuits, 86.

7 McGloin, Jesuits, 87.

8 McGloin, Jesuits, 96.

9 McGloin, Jesuits, 97.

10 McGloin, Jesuits, 89.

11 McGloin, Jesuits, 95.

12 McGloin, Jesuits, 114.

13 McGloin, Jesuits, 114.

14 Woodstock Letters, Volume XXIX, Number 1. 2-3.

15 Ignatian, 1910–11, 66; 1917, 78. Genesis II, May 1980.

16 Ignatian, 1913, 75;1923, 97.

17 Ignatian, 1911, Volume 1, Number 1. 43-44.

18 Ignatian, 1911, Volume 1, Number 1. 58.

19 Ignatian, June 1920. 86 & 97.

20 Eric Abrahamson, The University of San Francisco School of Law: A History 1912-1987. San Francisco: The University of San Francisco School of Law, 1987. 19-20.

21 “Boche” was a disparaging term for Germans during World War I.

22 Cody, 128.

23 Cody, 130.

Chapter VI

1 McGloin, Jesuits, 107-108.

2 Ignatian, 1924. 135.

3 Ignatian, 1924. 136; 1925. 124.

4 McGloin, Jesuits, 139.

5 Ignatian, 1925. 101; 1926. 107-109.

6 The Heights, 1929. 66.

7 McGloin, Jesuits, 142.

8 While the gymnasium was part of the original design, the school did not build one until the 1950s.

9 San Francisco Chronicle, “Early Baron’s Homes on the Range.”September 25, 2004. F1.

10 Riordan, 212.

11 “Early Baron’s,” F1.

12 Fr. Privett made this remark in an email he sent to members of the USF community regarding a student-led protest to rename Phelan Hall.

13 McGloin, Jesuits, 122; “Early Baron’s,” F6.

14 McGloin, Jesuits, 140.

Chapter VII

1 Red and Blue, November 16, 1932. 1.

2 The letter is in the SI Archives.

3 McGloin, Jesuits, 144.

4 McGloin, Jesuits, 144-145.

5 The OceanSIder, March 7, 1980. 12.

6 The Red and Blue, November 26, 1934.

7 Among those who received the 8-year scholarship to SI, in addition to Wilsey, were Loyola University President Charles Casassa, SJ ’28, USF President Charles Dullea, SJ ’34, and SCU President Patrick Donohoe, SJ ’31.

8 Literary Digest, Volume 123, May 8, 1937. 25-28.

9 Arthur Spearman, SJ, “Father Bernard R. Hubbard: 1888-1962,” Woodstock Letters, Volume 93, Fall 1965. 466-73.

10 Biographical notes in SCU clipping scrapbook and The Redwood, 1929 and 1930.

11 New York Times, October 1, 1930 & Bernard R. Hubbard, SJ, “A World Inside a Mountain: Aniakchak, the New Volcanic Wonderland of the Alaska Peninsula, is Explored,” National Geographic, Volume 60, September 1931. 319

12 National Geographic, Volume 60, September 1931. 319.

13 National Geographic, Volume 65, May, 1934. 625-26.

14 The Literary Digest, Volume 123, May, 8, 1937. 26.

15 Daily Alaska Empire (Juneau), 1930.

16 Daily Alaska Empire (Juneau), ca. September 1932.

Chapter VIII

1 McGloin, Jesuits, 123.

2 Francis X. Murphy, The Fighting Admiral: the Story of Dan Callaghan. New York: Vantage Press, Inc. 1952. 11.

3 Murphy, 12-13.

4 Murphy, 15.

5 Murphy, 110.

6 Murphy, 152.

7 Murphy, 190.

8 Murphy, 203-204.

9 From Courage, Honor and Compassion: a Tribute to Vice Admiral William M. Callaghan, 2001, a brochure used at the ceremony honoring Callaghan.


11 1946 Ignatian yearbook

12 Genesis III, Summer 1991.

Chapter IX

1 Rooney Report, May 29, 1950, located in the USF Archives, also cited in McGloin,Jesuits, 145.

2 McKevitt, Santa Clara, 204.

3 SI Archives.

4 McGloin, Jesuits, 146.

5 McGloin, Jesuits, 147.

6 McGloin, Jesuits, 147.

7 Ignatian, 1955. 8.

8 Ignatian Bulletin, December 1956.

9 Inside SI, March 20, 1950; April 13, 1951; & February 15, 1955.

10 Inside SI, May 5, 1950

11 Inside SI, Sept. 20, 1956. 8.

12 Inside SI, “SI Football: A 55 Year Tradition,” by Mark Hazelwood ’79, September 14, 1979. 8.

13 Ignatian, 1950

14 St. Ignatius Church Monthly Calendar, 1950. 172-173.

15 Ignatian, 1950.

16 Inside SI, March 27, 1953.

17 Inside SI, January & April 1958.

18 John Pearson, Painfully Rich: The Outrageous Fortune and Misfortunes of the Heirs of J. Paul Getty. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1995. 74, 76.

19 Biographical information from the City of Oakland’s web site.

20 City of Oakland web site.

21 Inside SI, March 16, 1951.

22 Inside SI, January 12, 1951.

23 Fr. John W. Clifford, SJ. In the Presence of My Enemies. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1963. 8.

24 Peter Fleming, SJ. Chosen for China: The California Province Jesuits in China, 1928-1957 — A Case Study in Mission and Culture. Berkeley: Graduate Theological Union, 1987. The work is Fr. Fleming’s doctoral dissertation and can be found in the USF Archives.

Chatper X

1 Ignatian Bulletin, April 1965.

2 Genesis, February 1970.

3 Genesis, February 1970.

4 Genesis II, Summer 1990.

5 McGloin, Jesuits, 180.

6 Genesis, February & July 1970.

7 Ignatian Bulletin, April 1962.

8 Inside SI, December 18, 1963. 3.

9 Inside SI, Volume 15, Number 5. 8.

Chapter XI

1 SI Archives.


3 Campus Ministry Team brochure.

4 Coach Ward also praised Tom Lagomarsino for serving as assistant SI track coach while in college and, later, as a teacher at SI.

5 Inside SI, February 30, 1972. 7.

6 Riordan, 197.

7 Genesis II, Spring 1989. 16.

8 Inside SI, May 19, 1971.

9 (2001, September 24, 1975, p. 1)

10 Genesis, July 1972.

11 Genesis, October 1979.

Chapter XII

1 Mario Prietto, SJ. A Jesuit Prep Goes Coed: Labor of Love and Justice. July 31, 2000. 5-6. Unpublished manuscript in the SI Archives.

2 Prietto, Jesuit Prep, 18.

3 Prietto, Jesuit Prep, 19.

4 Correspondence from SI Archives.

5 English Department Minutes, September 30, 1987, 2. SI Archives.

6 Prietto, Jesuit Prep, 47.

7 Prietto, Jesuit Prep, 65.

8 Prietto, Jesuit Prep, 67.

9 Prietto, Jesuit Prep, 69.

10 SI Archives.

11 Prietto, Jesuit Prep, 79.

12 Prietto, Jesuit Prep, 102-110.

13 Prietto, Jesuit Prep, 121.

14 SI Archives.

15 Genesis October 1979 & July 1981.

16 Inside SI, October 1982. 8.

17 Genesis II, Winter 1987. 8.

18 Genesis II, Winter 1989. 3.

19 Genesis II, Winter 1989. 4.

20 Genesis II, Winter 1989. 5.

21 Genesis II, Spring 1990. 12.

22 Genesis II, Winter 1990. 14.